But you and anyone who feels like you is more than welcome to contribute to one of dozens of charities that are begging for your money to do just that. The government will even give you tax relief on… (View Post)
It's actually a Harold Wilson era figure - from a 1969 report based on Soviet-inspired economic models (which stated that developing countries needed an investment rate of 12-15% of GDP to converge).… (View Post)
We do not need to amnesty asylum seekers - just rescind May's idiotic ruling that they couldn't work while applying. If there are any policies in the last couple of decades that have managed to be as… (View Post)
The soft power of international aid is largely or entirely a myth, generated by the aid-industrial complex to justify raiding the public purse. Look at our top aid recipients in 2019 by country: - Pa… (View Post)
FPT A friend of mine works as a shop assistant in Moscow. With the Ukrainian drone raids at night and the associated sirens, people have been getting less and less sleep recently. She tells me there'… (View Post)