Maybe, maybe not, but unlike ethnic cleansing, however dressed up, a peaceful and tolerant Israel with all its ancestral peoples living side by side is at least a future worth aspiring to. (View Post)
The "better future" is that the Israelis finally live up to their obligations under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to which they are a signatory, and allow the Palestinians to r… (View Post)
I do disagree. Firstly any resettlement in Egypt or Jordan or wherever would inevitably be badly done, and they would end up in refugee camps in the middle of the desert with no amenities and no hyge… (View Post)
Ethnic cleansing always looks deceptively simple and attractive to people sitting in armchairs in London or Washington with large scale maps, especially if they are basically ignorant of the region a… (View Post)
I doubt that a separate Palestinian state is viable - not geographically contiguous, the extreme Israelis and Palestinians would also constantly seek to undermine it and the Iranians would always to … (View Post)