But betraying allies is an ancient American tradition - not joining the League of Nations after World War I, which they themselves had insisted on including in the Treaty of Versailles, being willing… (View Post)
Did anyone post this? https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/missouri-wins-24-billion-judgment-against-china-for-unleashing-covid-19-on-the-world/ar-AA1Aurlx Good on Missouri. China got off outrageousl… (View Post)
That reminds me of a joke an American military friend of mine told me about the difference between the army and the air force. A soldier gets deployed to a place and complained that he had to wake up… (View Post)
I agree that the ethnic cleansing of Germans from Poland and Poles from the USSR after the Second World War was a huge crime, comparable to the Israeli ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians at about t… (View Post)
So if a thief keeps the stuff he stole long enough, it's his? I'm sure that's music to Vladimir Putin's ears. And the Chinese in Tibet and so on. It's not completely unreasonable - it's why the Ameri… (View Post)