Yes: I don't understand why this is lawful. (View Post)
A quimper (pronounced "kwim-purr") is a woman or pre-op "trans man" who prefers a certain impersonal pronoun. The Canadian Supreme Court is halfway to using it already. (View Post)
Rayner's abusive remark wasn't aimed at people who knew it was a quote. It was aimed at the kind of yobs (of whatever caste) who shout "shortarse" at a bloke because he's of below average h… (View Post)
In Canterbury and other places it connects with pilgrimage. People think this is a special place now, it was, people knew so in the past, and it will be, and people "will" know so in the fu… (View Post)
Five military trained horses freak out because a builder drops some concrete? I don't buy it. Here's the late queen riding a horse when she was shot at with blanks at close range. The horse is startl… (View Post)