Oh for pity's sake. Does the plight of the feckless Reeves show you nothing? Osborne chose austerity because the country was bankrupt with unpayable contingent liabilities for an overgrown banking se… (View Post)
@TSE is making the error of assuming that anything about Scottish independence is rational or responsive to reason. It's not. Its driven by emotion and a sense of identity and resentment. The current… (View Post)
Spending on disability benefits has risen from around £1.1 billion in 1985-86 to £39.1 billion in 2023-24 in nominal terms, and from 0.3 to 1.4 per cent of GDP over the same period. Welfare spending:… (View Post)
It is indeed. Obvious consequences include: The sacking of his line managers in all 3 departments for utter incompetence. The redundancy of 2/3 of the employees in his department if he was able to co… (View Post)
I must confess that I am finding our politics so deeply depressing at the moment that I am finding it harder to even comment on it. The leadership of the main parties is utterly uninspired and seems … (View Post)