Trump and the MAGAs are planning the mar-a-lago accords. Forcing short term bond holders to accept 100 year bonds... Basically a debt default.... if this happens it will be pandemonium. https://www.m… (View Post)
I don't know for sure that the constitution as we know it is still in place. This is what it has gotten to: we are not sure that mid-terms will add up to a hill of beans. Do you see this crowd noddin… (View Post)
Reading the news I am beginning to think that NATO is finished.... America is going to pull out. I mean it is defunct anyway. Five eyes is finished. Nobody will share intelligence with the americans … (View Post)
If they are isolationists... they should just get on with it then. But they have been sticking their noses in everything more than ever. Go isolate and that would be fine, but they are actively inter… (View Post)