There's always unintended consequences and people exploiting compensation schemes is nothing new. The problems is governments, egged on by the media and public opinion, often make knee jerk decisions… (View Post)
It's not an effective solution to the problem at all, is it? Owners will still want to keep their dogs for whatever irrational reason (love of the animal, for protection/intimidation, for status, or … (View Post)
I t I think you're right. Most employers would at best allow up to a couple of weeks of compassionate leave and then expect you to be back at work. An exceptional employer might go beyond that and al… (View Post)
Both are hard on the ones left behind but for different reasons. The "totally unexpected" probably has the edge for being worst for the family because there is no opportunity to say goodbye… (View Post)
Another route was volunteering to work with youth groups, but the current vetting procedures are so horrifically intrusive it puts people off (View Post)