Not saying it's right, but maybe it's the perceived difference between a young person being killed who had their whole life still ahead of them, versus an oldie, who's already "had a good inning… (View Post)
It's all about difference really. We are a tribal species, our instinct is to "other" people who are not like us, regardless of what that difference is, racial, gender, culture, what team y… (View Post)
Well, if we're moving off the issue of patriarchy, which I was illustrating, and onto the peripheral issue of picketing, at the end of the day that woman (or perhaps her husband) was the smart one. S… (View Post)
I wouldn't dispute that at all. My original point was to illustrate how far we'd come since the 1980s, I wouldn't expect a woman to say something like that nowadays. Perhaps my expectation is wrong (View Post)