But you seem to have no interest in the lives avoidably lost and the appalling performance of this government in the pandemic as compared with other developed countries. It’s the sheer lack of curios… (View Post)
One question which doesn’t seem to have been asked is how much contact Britain had with other countries and how coordinated the response to Covid-19 was. We know Britain turned its back on the EU. Di… (View Post)
The government seems to have failed to ask two basic questions: 1) what are the risks of this strategy? 2) why is everyone else doing something different and why is that wrong? Yes, the advice looks … (View Post)
Oh come on. Look at what other governments were doing at the time. Hell, look at the pb threads from the time. The British government was a study in lethargy. And Dominic Cummings was fully complicit… (View Post)