Ah, the great Call Centre conversation. Where you spend more time talking to somebody from 'your neck of the woods' (so to speak) than actually dealing with the reason you've called them in the first… (View Post)
In the days when there was a 24-hour bakery on Bell Street, Cardinals was a great Turkish restaurant and before the Doll's House came along. Just before my time there! (View Post)
I sympathise. My parents were Welsh and my father was in the oil industry. We moved around quite a bit - Gloucester, Leeds, Bristol, Horsham, the US, France and the Middle East. I picked up accents a… (View Post)
Evening all. First post in a few weeks after another sojourn in hospital. Catching up on 'events' and have seen the discussion between @TOPPING @StillWaters et al re. Rayner. As it stands, I don't se… (View Post)
No. I don't suppose that there is any doubt. My point is that Labour should be forcing the Conservatives to say why there's a difference between Afzhar Ali and Frank Hester. And then they should be h… (View Post)